EverJazz is one of the largest jazz clubs in Russia, founded in 2009. Experience, the club gained over 8 years of organizing concerts and producing events, has led to significant results in terms of popularization of jazz and modern music. Hundred thousand people have visited concerts, organized by EverJazz.
EverJazz is the first jazz club with regular programming in Yekaterinburg. The club’s policy is to be the comfortable place for cultured, independent, and intelligent people in Yekaterinburg, with goals to promote jazz in the city. All jazz-related styles are welcome on EverJazz stage, from mainstream jazz to the blues and soul music, and from jazz manouche (Gypsy swing) to contemporary jazz. The bulk of the club’s nightly programming is based on jazz artists from Ural region, but the long-standing relationship with national and international promoters allows EverJazz to present international touring acts on a regular basis (1-2 concerts in a week). Currently, Alex Sipiagin Quartet, Nadia Washington, Slava Ganelin and Vladimir Chekasin, Al Foster Quartet, The Headhunters, Ivan Farmakovsky Quartet, JD Walter performed at EverJazz; the overall geography of our guest performers spans around the globe.
The club is well-equipped technically, sounds good, and comfortably seats 156 patrons, allowing them to enjoy the first-rate jazz performances at EverJazz. Every summer, EverJazz is also producing a one-day outdoors festival, headlined by international jazz stars, the region’s largest annual jazz event. Since the launch in 2009, EverJazz hosted over 4,000 performance sets for the annual audience of 20,000; 300 of those 4,000 acts were touring international artists.
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Билеты выкупаются в течение 3-х суток после бронирования. По истечению срока неоплаченная бронь аннулируется, а не выкупленные места могут быть заняты другими гостями, поэтому выкупайте билеты заранее.
На сайте вы можете приобрести билеты по безналичному расчёту, нажав на кнопку «купить билет» и выбрав места по схеме зала. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что существуют разные квоты мест. На данной схеме представлены ТОЛЬКО места для покупки он-лайн. По наличию других свободных мест звоните 8 (343) 20 20 318.
Непосредственно перед концертом Вы можете приобрести билеты прямо в клубе, при наличии свободных мест.
Продажа билетов в клубе EverJazz, ул. Тургенева, 22, каждый день с 13:00 до 21:00.